Marvel Strike Force Wiki

A versatile soldier who can inflict area damage with grenades.

Mercenary Soldier is unlocked at 1 star, which costs 15 shards.

You can find their shards in the Raid Store for 1,125 Raid Credits for 5 shards.


Tier 1 Level 1
Health 105
Damage 32
Armor 7
Focus 56
Resistance 56
Crit Damage 130
Crit Chance 10
Dodge Chance 0
Block Chance 0
Block Amount 10
Accuracy 100
Speed 100


Assault Rifle
MercenarySoldierBasic Effects Single Opponent Damage
Energy Cost Damage 0
Start Energy 0 0
Level 1 Attack primary target for 100% damage.
Level 2 Attack primary target for 140% damage.
Level 3 Attack primary target for 180% damage.
Level 4 Attack primary target for 220% damage.
Level 5 Attack primary target for 260% damage.
Level 6 Attack primary target for 300% damage.
Level 7 Attack primary target for 340% damage.
Frag Grenade
MercenarySoldierSpecial Effects Single Opponent Damage, Bleed
Energy Cost Damage 3
Start Energy 3 3
Level 1 Attack primary and adjacent targets for 80% damage + apply Bleed.
Level 2 Attack primary and adjacent targets for 100% damage + apply Bleed.
Level 3 Attack primary and adjacent targets for 130% damage + apply Bleed.
Level 4 Attack primary and adjacent targets for 150% damage + apply Bleed.
Level 5 Attack primary and adjacent targets for 180% damage + apply Bleed.
Level 6 Attack primary and adjacent targets for 200% damage + apply Bleed.
Level 7 Transfer 1 positive effect, excluding Taunt, from primary target to self and all SKILL MILITARY allies.

Attack primary and adjacent targets for 240% damage + apply Bleed.

In WAR, clear 2 positive effects on primary and adjacent targets
Tactical Loadout
MercenarySoldierPassive Effects Self Increase Damage, Increase Health
Energy Cost Passive N/A
Start Energy N/A N/A
Level 1 Gain 10% Damage.
Level 2 Gain 10% Damage and 10% Health.
Level 3 Gain 15% Damage and 10% Health.
Level 4 Gain 15% Damage and 15% Health.

In WAR, gain an additional +50% Max Health.

In WAR, SKILL MILITARY allies +50% Max Health.
Level 5 Gain 40% Damage and 15% Health. In WAR, gain an additional +40% Damage and +50% Max Health. SKILL MILITARY allies gain +50% Max Health. MILITARY allies gain +40% Damage.


Expand to View Gear
Tier 1

Security Clearance
Focus Cat Green
+4 Damage
+5 Focus

Dark Watch Assault Rifle
Gear MercenarySoldier
+39 Health
+19 Damage
+9 Armor
+7 Focus

S.T.R.I.K.E. Tactics Manual
Damage Cat Green
+10 Damage
+1 Focus

Serum 612
Health Cat Green
+100 Health
+1 Resistance

Beta Cloth
Armor Cat Green
+9 Health
+8 Armor

Secure Comlink
Resist Cat Green
+19 Health
+5 Resistance

Tier 2

Security Clearance
Focus Cat Green
+4 Damage
+5 Focus

Dark Watch Assault Rifle
Gear MercenarySoldier
+85 Health
+19 Damage
+10 Resistance

Bladed Strikes
Gear Skill Damage2
+15 Damage
+2 Focus

Fitness Regimen
Gear Skill Health2
+200 Health
+2 Resistance

Beta Cloth
Armor Cat Green
+9 Health
+8 Armor

Secure Comlink
Resist Cat Green
+19 Health
+5 Resistance

Tier 3

Precision Techniques
Gear Skill Focus3
+4 Damage
+15 Focus

Dark Watch Assault Rifle
Gear MercenarySoldier
+90 Health
+20 Damage
+8 Focus

Bladed Strikes
Gear Skill Damage2
+15 Damage
+2 Focus

Fitness Regimen
Gear Skill Health2
+200 Health
+2 Resistance

Protective Maneuvers
Gear Skill Armor3
+13 Health
+14 Armor

Agility Conditioning
Gear Skill Resist3
+26 Health
+15 Resistance

Tier 4

Precision Techniques
Gear Skill Focus3
+4 Damage
+15 Focus

Improved Dark Watch Assault Rifle
Gear MercenarySoldier
+95 Health
+10 Armor
+11 Resistance

Improved Crippling Strikes
Gear Skill Damage1
+25 Damage
+2 Focus

Improved Vitality Regimen
Gear Skill Health1
+240 Health
+2 Resistance

Protective Maneuvers
Gear Skill Armor3
+13 Health
+14 Armor

Agility Conditioning
Gear Skill Resist3
+26 Health
+15 Resistance

Tier 5

Improved Decryption Techniques
Gear Skill Focus2
+4 Damage
+19 Focus

Improved Dark Watch Assault Rifle
Gear MercenarySoldier
+100 Health
+11 Armor
+11 Focus

Improved Crippling Strikes
Gear Skill Damage1
+25 Damage
+2 Focus

Improved Vitality Regimen
Gear Skill Health1
+240 Health
+2 Resistance

Improved Evasive Maneuvers
Gear Skill Armor2
+16 Health
+16 Armor

Improved Resilience Conditioning
Gear Skill Resist2
+31 Health
+19 Resistance

Tier 6

Improved Decryption Techniques
Gear Skill Focus2
+4 Damage
+19 Focus

Improved Dark Watch Assault Rifle
Gear MercenarySoldier
+16 Damage
+12 Armor
+11 Resistance

Improved Destructive Strikes
Gear Skill Damage3
+35 Damage
+2 Focus

Improved Vaccine Regimen
Gear Skill Health3
+280 Health
+2 Resistance

Improved Evasive Maneuvers
Gear Skill Armor2
+16 Health
+16 Armor

Improved Resilience Conditioning
Gear Skill Resist2
+31 Health
+19 Resistance

Tier 7

Improved Concentration Techniques
Gear Skill Focus4
+4 Damage
+21 Focus

Improved Dark Watch Assault Rifle
Gear MercenarySoldier
+16 Damage
+12 Armor
+11 Focus

Improved Destructive Strikes
Gear Skill Damage3
+35 Damage
+2 Focus

Improved Vaccine Regimen
Gear Skill Health3
+280 Health
+2 Resistance

Improved Strengthening Maneuvers
Gear Skill Armor4
+18 Health
+18 Armor

Improved Agility Conditioning
Gear Skill Resist4
+37 Health
+21 Resistance

Tier 8

Improved Concentration Techniques
Gear Skill Focus4
+4 Damage
+21 Focus

Advanced Dark Watch Assault Rifle
Gear MercenarySoldier
+110 Health
+13 Armor
+13 Resistance

Advanced Crippling Strikes
Gear Skill Damage1
+37 Damage
+2 Focus

Advanced Vitality Regimen
Gear Skill Health1
+320 Health
+2 Resistance

Improved Strengthening Maneuvers
Gear Skill Armor4
+18 Health
+18 Armor

Improved Agility Conditioning
Gear Skill Resist4
+37 Health
+21 Resistance

Tier 9

Advanced Decryption Techniques
Gear Skill Focus2
+5 Damage
+22 Focus

Advanced Dark Watch Assault Rifle
Gear MercenarySoldier
+14 Damage
+13 Armor
+13 Focus

Advanced Crippling Strikes
Gear Skill Damage1
+37 Damage
+2 Focus

Advanced Vitality Regimen
Gear Skill Health1
+320 Health
+2 Resistance

Advanced Evasive Maneuvers
Gear Skill Armor2
+19 Health
+20 Armor

Advanced Resilience Conditioning
Gear Skill Resist2
+39 Health
+22 Resistance



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