Marvel Strike Force Wiki

An aggressive warrior who can attack again after defeating an enemy.

Gamora is unlocked at 3 stars, which costs 100 shards.

You can find her shards in the Blitz store for 500 Blitz Credits for 5 shards.


Tier 1 Level 1
Health 111
Damage 32
Armor 1
Focus 23
Resistance 59
Crit Damage 130
Crit Chance 10
Dodge Chance 3
Block Chance 0
Block Amount 10
Accuracy 100
Speed 130



Assassin's Strike
GamoraBasic Effects Primary Target Damage, Bonus Attack
Energy Cost Basic 0
Start Energy 0 0
Level 1 Attack primary target for 90% damage + Bonus attack for 70% damage.
Level 2 Attack primary target for 120% damage + Bonus attack for 100% damage.
Level 3 Attack primary target for 150% damage + Bonus attack for 130% damage.
Level 4 Attack primary target for 180% damage + Bonus attack 2 times for 130% damage.
Level 5 Attack primary target for 210% damage + Bonus attack 2 times for 160% damage.
Level 6 Attack primary target for 250% damage + Bonus attack 2 times for 200% damage.
Level 7 Attack primary target for 290% damage + Bonus attack 2 times for 240% damage.


Ruthless Blade
GamoraSpecial Effects Primary Target + Chain Damage, Chain, Fill Speed Bar
Energy Cost Special 3
Start Energy 3 3
Level 1 Attack primary target for 80% damage. Chain up to 2 adjacent targets for 80% damage. On Kill, fill Speed Bar by 100%.
If Adam Warlock is an ally, this attack can Chain to Stealth targets and cannot be Countered.
Level 2 Attack primary target for 120% damage. Chain up to 2 adjacent targets for 120% damage. On Kill, fill Speed Bar by 100%.
If Adam Warlock is an ally, this attack can Chain to Stealth targets and cannot be Countered.
Level 3 Attack primary target for 160% damage. Chain 1-2 adjacent targets for 120% damage. On Kill, fill Speed Bar by 100%.
If Adam Warlock is an ally, this attack can Chain to Stealth targets and cannot be Countered.
Level 4 Attack primary target for 200% damage. Chain 1-2 adjacent targets for 160% damage. On Kill, fill Speed Bar by 100%.
If Adam Warlock is an ally, this attack can Chain to Stealth targets and cannot be Countered.
Level 5 Attack primary target for 240% damage. Chain 1-2 adjacent targets for 200% damage. On Kill, fill Speed Bar by 100%.
If Adam Warlock is an ally, this attack can Chain to Stealth targets and cannot be Countered.
Level 6 Attack primary target for 280% damage. Chain 2 adjacent targets for 200% damage. On Kill, fill Speed Bar by 100%.
If Adam Warlock is an ally, this attack can Chain to Stealth targets and cannot be Countered.
Level 7 Attack primary target for 330% damage. Chain 2 adjacent targets for 250% damage. On Kill, fill Speed Bar by 100%.
If Adam Warlock is an ally, this attack can Chain to Stealth targets and cannot be Countered.


Flying Slash
GamoraUltimate Effects Primary Target Damage, Offense Up, Fill Speed Bar
Energy Cost Ultimate 5
Start Energy 5 3
Level 1 Gain Offense Up. Attack primary target for 150% damage. On Kill, fill Speed bar by 100%.
Level 2 Gain Offense Up. Attack primary target for 200% damage. On Kill, fill Speed bar by 100%.
Level 3 Gain Offense Up. Attack primary target for 250% damage. On Kill, fill Speed bar by 100%.
Level 4 Gain Offense Up for 2 turns. Attack primary target for 300% damage. On Kill, fill Speed bar by 100%.
Level 5 Gain Offense Up for 2 turns. Attack primary target for 350% damage. On Kill, fill Speed bar by 100%.
Level 6 Gain Offense Up for 2 turns. Attack primary target for 400% damage. Fill Speed Bar by 100% on Kill.
Level 7 Gain Offense Up for 2 turns. Attack primary target for 450% damage. Fill Speed Bar by 100% on Kill.


Deadly Methods
GamoraPassive Effects All Allies Increase Crit Chance
Energy Cost Passive N/A
Start Energy N/A N/A
Level 1 On Spawn, gain +4 Charged, up to a max of 4, lose 1 Charged for each INFINITY WATCH ally.

If Health is full at the start of a match, Revive once with 20% of this character's Max Health + 20% for each INFINITY WATCH ally.
On this character's or any INFINITY WATCH ally's turn, lose 1 Charged. On any ally Adam Warlock's turn, lose 2 Charged, instead.
On Turn, if not Charged, become Empowered. On Empowered fill Speed Bar by 10% + Heal for 50% of this character's Max Health.
When this character's Health drops below 30%, apply Taunt to the highest Health ally and gain Regeneration for self.
Gain +5% Crit Chance.

Gain +10,000% Resistance against Defense Down.
Level 2 On Spawn, gain +4 Charged, up to a max of 4, lose 1 Charged for each INFINITY WATCH ally.

If Health is full at the start of a match, Revive once with 20% of this character's Max Health + 20% for each INFINITY WATCH ally.
On this character's or any INFINITY WATCH ally's turn, lose 1 Charged. On any ally Adam Warlock's turn, lose 2 Charged, instead.
On Turn, if not Charged, become Empowered. On Empowered fill Speed Bar by 10% + clear 3 random negative effects from self + Heal for 50% of this character's Max Health.
When this character's Health drops below 30%, apply Taunt to the highest Health ally and gain Regeneration for self.
Gain +5% Crit Chance. GUARDIAN and INFINITY WATCH allies gain +5% Crit Chance.

Gain +10,000% Resistance against Defense Down.
Level 3 On Spawn, gain +4 Charged, up to a max of 4, lose 1 Charged for each INFINITY WATCH ally.

If Health is full at the start of a match, Revive once with 20% of this character's Max Health + 20% for each INFINITY WATCH ally.
On this character's or any INFINITY WATCH ally's turn, lose 1 Charged. On any ally Adam Warlock's turn, lose 2 Charged, instead.
On Turn, if not Charged, become Empowered. On Empowered fill Speed Bar by 30% + clear 3 random negative effects from self + Heal for 50% of this character's Max Health.
When this character's Health drops below 30%, apply Taunt to the highest Health ally and gain Regeneration for self.
Gain +5% Crit Chance. GUARDIAN and INFINITY WATCH allies gain +5% Crit Chance. Apply +5% Crit Chance to additional allies.

Gain +10,000% Resistance against Defense Down.
Level 4 On Spawn, gain +4 Charged, up to a max of 4, lose 1 Charged for each INFINITY WATCH ally.

If Health is full at the start of a match, Revive once with 20% of this character's Max Health + 20% for each INFINITY WATCH ally.
On this character's or any INFINITY WATCH ally's turn, lose 1 Charged. On any ally Adam Warlock's turn, lose 2 Charged, instead.
On Turn, if not Charged, become Empowered. On Empowered fill Speed Bar by 30% + clear 3 random negative effects from self + Heal for 50% of this character's Max Health. If negative effects removed, heal self for 10% per negative effect removed.
When this character's Health drops below 30%, apply Taunt to the highest Health ally and gain 2 Regeneration for self.
Gain +5% Crit Chance. GUARDIAN and INFINITY WATCH allies gain +10% Crit Chance. Apply +5% Crit Chance to additional allies.

Gain +10,000% Resistance against Defense Down.
Level 5 On Spawn, gain +4 Charged, up to a max of 4, lose 1 Charged for each INFINITY WATCH ally.

If Health is full at the start of a match, Revive once with 20% of this character's Max Health + 20% for each INFINITY WATCH ally.
On this character's or any INFINITY WATCH ally's turn, lose 1 Charged. On any ally Adam Warlock's turn, lose 2 Charged, instead.
On Turn, if not Charged, become Empowered. On Empowered fill Speed Bar by 50% + clear all negative effects from self + Heal for 50% of this character's Max Health. If negative effects removed, heal self for 10% per negative effect removed.
When this character's Health drops below 30%, apply Taunt to the highest Health ally and gain 2 Regeneration for self.
Gain +10% Crit Chance. GUARDIAN and INFINITY WATCH allies gain +10% Crit Chance. Apply +5% Crit Chance to additional allies.

Gain +10,000% Resistance against Defense Down.

Empowered Gamora[]


Brutal Strikes
EmpoweredGamoraBasic Effects Single Opponent Damage, Bleed
Energy Cost Basic N/A
Start Energy N/A N/A
Level 1 Attack primary target for 90% damage + apply Bleed. Bonus attack 2 times for 70% damage.
Level 2 Attack primary target for 120% damage + apply Bleed. Bonus attack 2 times for 100% damage.
Level 3 Attack primary target for 150% damage + apply Bleed. Bonus attack 2 times for 130% damage.
Level 4 Attack primary target for 180% damage + apply 2 Bleed. Bonus attack 2 times for 130% damage.
Level 5 Attack primary target for 210% damage + apply 2 Bleed. Bonus attack 2 times for 160% damage.
Level 6 Attack primary target for 250% damage + apply 2 Bleed. Bonus attack 2 times for 200% damage.
Level 7 Attack primary target for 290% damage + apply 2 Bleed. Bonus attack 2 times for 240% damage.


Bring to Ruin
EmpoweredGamoraSpecial Effects Enemy Team Damage, Deathproof, Heal Block
Energy Cost Special 5
Start Energy 5 5
Level 1 Attack all enemies for 120% damage. This attack cannot miss.
Level 2 Attack all enemies for 160% damage. This attack cannot miss.
Level 3 Attack all enemies for 200% damage. This attack cannot miss.
Level 4 Attack all enemies for 240% damage + apply Heal Block. This attack cannot miss.
Level 5 Clear Deathproof from all enemies. If any enemy had Deathproof, apply +1 Deathproof, up to a max of 3, to all INFINITY WATCH allies.

Attack all enemies for 280% damage + apply Heal Block.

This attack cannot miss.
Level 6 Clear Deathproof from all enemies. If any enemy had Deathproof, apply +1 Deathproof, up to a max of 3, to all INFINITY WATCH allies.

Attack all enemies for 320% damage + apply Heal Block.

This attack cannot miss.
Level 7 Clear Deathproof from all enemies. If any enemy had Deathproof, apply +1 Deathproof, up to a max of 3, to all INFINITY WATCH allies.

Attack all enemies for 400% damage + apply Heal Block for 2 turns.

This attack cannot miss.


EmpoweredGamoraUltimate Effects Single Opponent Damage, Offense Up
Energy Cost Ultimate 6
Start Energy 6 4
Level 1 Gain Offense Up.

Attack primary target for 200% damage. On Kill, fill Speed Bar by 100%.

This attack cannot be dodged or blocked.
Level 2 Gain Offense Up.

Attack primary target for 260% damage. On Kill, fill Speed Bar by 100%.

This attack cannot be dodged or blocked.
Level 3 Gain Offense Up.

Attack primary target for 320% damage. On Kill, fill Speed Bar by 100%.

This attack cannot be dodged or blocked.
Level 4 Gain Offense Up for 2 turns. Attack primary target for 380% damage.

On Kill, fill Speed Bar by 100%.

This attack cannot be dodged or blocked.
Level 5 Gain Offense Up for 2 turns. Attack primary target for 440% damage.

On Kill, fill Speed Bar by 100%.

This attack cannot be dodged or blocked.
Level 6 Gain Offense Up for 2 turns. Attack primary target for 500% damage.

On Kill, fill Speed Bar by 100%.

This attack cannot be dodged or blocked.
Level 7 Gain Offense Up for 2 turns. Attack primary target for 600% damage.

On Kill, fill Speed Bar by 100%.

This attack cannot be dodged or blocked.


Deadliest woman
EmpoweredGamoraPassive Effects Self Revive, Defense Up, Taunt, Piercing, Regenaration, Defense Down
Energy Cost Passive N/A
Start Energy N/A N/A
Level 1 If Health is full at the start of a match, Revive once with 20% of this character's Max Health + 20% for each INFINITY WATCH ally.

On Turn, 50% chance to flip Defense Up on any enemy that has Defense Up. When this character's Health drops below 30%, apply Taunt to the highest Health ally and gain 2 Regeneration for self. Gain +5% Piercing for each INFINITY WATCH ally. Gain +5% Crit Chance.

Gain +10,000% Resistance against Defense Down.
Level 2 If Health is full at the start of a match, Revive once with 20% of this character's Max Health + 20% for each INFINITY WATCH ally.

On Turn, 50% chance to flip Defense Up on any enemy that has Defense Up. When this character's Health drops below 30%, apply Taunt to the highest Health ally and gain 2 Regeneration for self. Gain +5% Piercing for each INFINITY WATCH ally. Gain +5% Crit Chance. GUARDIAN and INFINITY WATCH allies gain +5% Crit Chance.

Gain +10,000% Resistance against Defense Down.
Level 3 If Health is full at the start of a match, Revive once with 20% of this character's Max Health + 20% for each INFINITY WATCH ally.

On Turn, 50% chance to flip Defense Up on any enemy that has Defense Up. When this character's Health drops below 30%, apply Taunt to the highest Health ally and gain 2 Regeneration for self. Gain +10% Piercing for each INFINITY WATCH ally. Gain +5% Crit Chance. GUARDIAN and INFINITY WATCH allies gain +5% Crit Chance. Apply +5% Crit Chance to additional allies.

Gain +10,000% Resistance against Defense Down.
Level 4 If Health is full at the start of a match, Revive once with 20% of this character's Max Health + 20% for each INFINITY WATCH ally.

On Turn, flip Defense Up on any enemy that has Defense Up. When this character's Health drops below 30%, apply Taunt to the highest Health ally and gain 2 Regeneration for self. Gain +10% Piercing for each INFINITY WATCH ally. Gain +5% Crit Chance. GUARDIAN and INFINITY WATCH allies gain +10% Crit Chance. Apply +5% Crit Chance to additional allies.

Gain +10,000% Resistance against Defense Down.
Level 5 If Health is full at the start of a match, Revive once with 20% of this character's Max Health + 20% for each INFINITY WATCH ally.

On Turn, flip Defense Up on any enemy that has Defense Up. When this character's Health drops below 30%, apply Taunt to the highest Health ally and gain 2 Regeneration for self. Gain +15% Piercing for each INFINITY WATCH ally. Gain +10% Crit Chance. GUARDIAN and INFINITY WATCH allies gain +10% Crit Chance. Apply +5% Crit Chance to additional allies.

Gain +10,000% Resistance against Defense Down.


Expand to View Gear
Tier 1

Security Clearance
Focus Cat Green
+4 Damage
+5 Focus

Gear Gamora
+100 Health
+0 Damage
+6 Focus
+6 Resistance

S.T.R.I.K.E. Tactics Manual
Damage Cat Green
+10 Damage
+1 Focus

Serum 612
Health Cat Green
+100 Health
+1 Resistance

Poly Fiber
Gear NoArmor
+5 Health
+1 Resistance

Secure Comlink
Resist Cat Green
+19 Health
+5 Resistance

Tier 2

Cerebral Stimulant
Gear Bio Focus2
+4 Damage
+14 Focus

Gear Gamora
+140 Health
+19 Damage
+0 Focus
+10 Resistance

Leg Strength Formula
Gear Bio Damage2
+15 Damage
+2 Focus

Serum 612
Health Cat Green
+100 Health
+1 Resistance

Poly Fiber
Gear NoArmor
+5 Health
+1 Resistance

Secure Comlink
Resist Cat Green
+19 Health
+5 Resistance

Tier 3

Cerebral Stimulant
Gear Bio Focus2
+4 Damage
+14 Focus

Gear Gamora
+140 Health
+20 Damage
+10 Focus
+0 Resistance

Leg Strength Formula
Gear Bio Damage2
+15 Damage
+2 Focus

Heart Augmentation
Gear Bio Health3
+220 Health
+2 Resistance

Poly Fiber
Gear NoArmor
+5 Health
+1 Resistance

Biogenic Glands
Gear Bio Resist3
+26 Health
+15 Resistance

Tier 4

Improved Phrenic Stimulant
Gear Bio Focus1
+4 Damage
+17 Focus

Improved Godslayer
Gear Gamora
+170 Health
+20 Damage
+0 Focus
+11 Resistance

Improved Arm Strength Formula
Gear Bio Damage1
+25 Damage
+2 Focus

Heart Augmentation
Gear Bio Health3
+220 Health
+2 Resistance

Poly Fiber
Gear NoArmor
+5 Health
+1 Resistance

Biogenic Glands
Gear Bio Resist3
+26 Health
+15 Resistance

Tier 5

Improved Phrenic Stimulant
Gear Bio Focus1
+4 Damage
+17 Focus

Improved Godslayer
Gear Gamora
+170 Health
+21 Damage
+12 Focus
+0 Resistance

Improved Arm Strength Formula
Gear Bio Damage1
+25 Damage
+2 Focus

Improved Bone Augmentation
Gear Bio Health2
+260 Health
+2 Resistance

Poly Fiber
Gear NoArmor
+5 Health
+1 Resistance

Improved Immunal Glands
Gear Bio Resist2
+31 Health
+19 Resistance

Tier 6

Improved Synaptic Stimulant
Gear Bio Focus3
+4 Damage
+20 Focus

Improved Godslayer
Gear Gamora
+190 Health
+21 Damage
+0 Focus
+12 Resistance

Improved Grip Strength Formula
Gear Bio Damage3
+35 Damage
+2 Focus

Improved Bone Augmentation
Gear Bio Health2
+260 Health
+2 Resistance

Poly Fiber
Gear NoArmor
+5 Health
+1 Resistance

Improved Immunal Glands
Gear Bio Resist2
+31 Health
+19 Resistance

Tier 7

Improved Synaptic Stimulant
Gear Bio Focus3
+4 Damage
+20 Focus

Improved Godslayer
Gear Gamora
+190 Health
+22 Damage
+12 Focus
+0 Resistance

Improved Grip Strength Formula
Gear Bio Damage3
+35 Damage
+2 Focus

Improved Lung Augmentation
Gear Bio Health4
+310 Health
+2 Resistance

Poly Fiber
Gear NoArmor
+5 Health
+1 Resistance

Improved Mutagenic Glands
Gear Bio Resist4
+37 Health
+21 Resistance

Tier 8

Advanced Phrenic Stimulant
Gear Bio Focus1
+4 Damage
+22 Focus

Advanced Godslayer
Gear Gamora
+200 Health
+22 Damage
+0 Focus
+12 Resistance

Advanced Arm Strength Formula
Gear Bio Damage1
+37 Damage
+2 Focus

Improved Lung Augmentation
Gear Bio Health4
+310 Health
+2 Resistance

Poly Fiber
Gear NoArmor
+5 Health
+1 Resistance

Improved Mutagenic Glands
Gear Bio Resist4
+37 Health
+21 Resistance

Tier 9

Advanced Phrenic Stimulant
Gear Bio Focus1
+4 Damage
+22 Focus

Advanced Godslayer
Gear Gamora
+200 Health
+24 Damage
+13 Focus
+0 Resistance

Advanced Arm Strength Formula
Gear Bio Damage1
+37 Damage
+2 Focus

Advanced Bone Augmentation
Gear Bio Health2
+325 Health
+3 Resistance

Poly Fiber
Gear NoArmor
+5 Health
+1 Resistance

Advanced Immunal Glands
Gear Bio Resist2
+39 Health
+22 Resistance



  • Premium Orb
  • Basic Orb
  • Legacy I Orb
  • Milestone II Orb
  • Ultimus Orb


  • Blitz Supplies
  • Blitz Orb

Raid Store:

  • Gamma Raid Orb